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Stefan Grund :eay:

Are movies actually getting longer? → birchtree.me/blog/are-movies-g

I'm all too familiar with the feeling that movies are getting longer and longer. Especially now with a toddler, we prefer shorter movies, but they're not even that easy to find these days.

To get to the bottom of this anecdotal evidence, @matt has pulled the top 50 of each decade – from the 1970s to 2020s – from Letterbox and analyzed the playing time of the films.

The result… → eay.li/3p8

Birchtree · Are movies actually getting longer?Are movies getting longer than they used to be? It’s something I think a lot of us feel is true, but is it? I wanted to get a feel for this, so I collected some data, looked at the trends, and made some proposals based on that info. The